
Few days left to get your copy

Few days left to get your copy

The Huntsman's Journal will go offline for an unknown period of time after the upcoming Sunday, June 2nd. The highly popular limited edition will be discontinued after that for good.

Few days left to get your copy

The Huntsman's Journal will go offline for an unknown period of time after the upcoming Sunday, June 2nd. The highly popular limited edition will be discontinued after that for good.

Over 70% of Pre-orders Shipped

Over 70% of Pre-orders Shipped

Some of you have inquired about the expected shipping date of your orders. I must admit that the Huntsman's Journal™ has been a more challenging project than I anticipated. From...

Over 70% of Pre-orders Shipped

Some of you have inquired about the expected shipping date of your orders. I must admit that the Huntsman's Journal™ has been a more challenging project than I anticipated. From...

BGH VII – Seven Lantern Years of Innovations!

BGH VII – Seven Lantern Years of Innovations!

A big thank you to everyone who has ordered our products so far — and some of you since day one (but who's counting)!

BGH VII – Seven Lantern Years of Innovations!

A big thank you to everyone who has ordered our products so far — and some of you since day one (but who's counting)!

All Pre-orders in Print + New Product!

All Pre-orders in Print + New Product!

The Huntsman's Journal™ is in print, first copies are ready. Black Scrap Bags™ are nearly complete and will be shipped soon...

All Pre-orders in Print + New Product!

The Huntsman's Journal™ is in print, first copies are ready. Black Scrap Bags™ are nearly complete and will be shipped soon...

New Settlement Book™ Instead of Small Upgrades

New Settlement Book™ Instead of Small Upgrades

Now, after thinking this hard over the last few months, I have come to the conclusion that there is both good news and bad news...

New Settlement Book™ Instead of Small Upgrades

Now, after thinking this hard over the last few months, I have come to the conclusion that there is both good news and bad news...

Happy New Year & Current Roadmap

Happy New Year & Current Roadmap

I hope you all had great Holidays and New Year's Eve! Now the year has changed, and I'll give you a short insight what's going on.

Happy New Year & Current Roadmap

I hope you all had great Holidays and New Year's Eve! Now the year has changed, and I'll give you a short insight what's going on.